Happy Diversity Month!
It has been a busy few months for the Toronto & Region Chapter of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO). We have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes and I am happy to reach out to you all today with some exciting updates.
First of all – we have a new website! Thank you to our volunteers Kayla Tishcoff and Zahra Sherazee for putting it together. We hope you will visit www.comtotorontoandregion.ca often. We have organized things a bit differently so the site is easier to navigate. We will continue to update this website with content including messages from our executive, events as well as job postings.
This new website has some new features that we are excited to take advantage of. In talking to some of our members we realized that it makes more sense to reach out more frequently with key information instead of through our monthly newsletter, COMTO Connection. We made the tough decision to retire the newsletter – but don’t worry we will continue to reach out through communications such as this one. You will be able to find previous issues of COMTO Connection and all our communications archived on the new website.
Along with changes on our end, there have been some significant changes at COMTO Headquarters. The new CEO April Rai is eager to help our Chapter progress and in particular support some of the unique challenges we have been facing as COMTO’s only Canadian Chapter. We look forward to having these ongoing conversations with COMTO Headquarters and educating them on what makes Canada different than the United States and how we can better work together More to come on this.
I want to take a moment to thank all our members who have helped shape the Toronto & Region Chapter of COMTO for the past two years. At the end of March we marked our second anniversary and I appreciate all the hard work that has been done to date.
I am very proud of what we have accomplished and I am thrilled about where we are going. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Annette Salfarlie President, COMTO Toronto & Region